Tagweb design

5 Websites To Get Feedback For Your Design Concepts

I was thinking of launching a similar startup in October. I thought of making it easier for designers and photographers to share their work online with their friends, co-workers and people they don’t know in order to receive good feedback. I did some research and spoke to some of my friends online about where and how they share their work. It turns out that designers don’t really like...

October Quickie: A Little Bit of Everything

Well yeah, it started snowing today here in Moscow, but this post is not about snow. I remember I’ve done some quickie before, but couldn’t find it. Perhaps it was something I mentioned inside the blog post with a different title. But anyways, this is a short roundup of what I’ve been up to lately. Let’s start with Python.. After reading a very popular book called...

5 Awesome Links for Web Designers & Developers

It’s July and it’s so damn hot back here! I think all the possible new records have been set last week in Moscow. Thank god we had those new air conditioners install in the office before the heat wave, otherwise it would’ve been impossible to work. Anyways, haven’t tweeted much this week, but I did go through my RSS feeds, and here are some interesting links for web design...

Driving the 960 Grid System

CSS frameworks are unflexible, overbloated and confusing. Whoever said that, never used a CSS framework, or at least the 960 Grid System. I used to think that too, some time ago, but I did use the 960 Grid System to draw my templates. I didn’t care about the CSS, the columns, etc. All I used were the Photoshop templates with a preset grid of 960 pixels, which was pretty convenient for...

CSS Tricks – Playing With Position: Relative

For some of you this post might be obvious, but I’ve been working with XHTML and CSS for years and haven’t figured out you could do such magic! We’ll be talking about the CSS Position property and it’s combinations with the Overflow property. Let’s talk about each of these properties individually first. The position property could have five different values...

The Web Development Cycle Explained

If you’ve ever been to software development classes you probably already know about the software development cycle: Pre-alpha, Alpha, Beta, Release candidate (Gamma, Delta), Release to Marketing and finally, General Availability. Well it goes pretty much the same in the web development world, except that there are a few other parties involved in the whole process, and today, in the dynamic...

Short Note About HTML Anchor Bookmarks

This is totally rediculous, but it’s a fact. Some version of Microsoft Internet Explorer do not handle empty anchors at all! Unlike Firefox, Safari and the rest, IE simply doesn’t see them, so anchors lead to nowhere (top of the page). This is just a note for you (and me) to keep your anchors filled with something, at least a whitespace character ;) <a...

Facebook-style Lightbox with jQuery and Facebox

I recently came across an awesome plugin for jQuery which is called Facebox. Facebox produces a clean lightbox that can be a container for popup images, text and basically any HTML layout as well as AJAX powered content. The problem with Facebox is the lightbox placement. The dialog itself is placed in the center of the page horizontally with a preset margin from the top, which looks good, but...

jQuery Cycle: Pager and pagerAnchorBuilder

One very awesome and useful plugin for jQuery is jQuery Cycle, which pretty much works out of the box, but browsing through the second part of the Intermediate Demos we’ve seen a click transition called Pager, which is somewhat tricky. Pager is nothing but a few links next to your cycling block with page numbers, which switch the cycle upon click. It’s very useful when you have to...

Creating Mockups with Mockingbird

Everyone these days knows that creating any user interface should start with a mockup. Whether it’s something drawn on a piece of paper or almost designed in Photoshop. When speaking about application UI, software like Borland Delphi or Microsoft Visual Basic would be just fine, especially if you need to create some simple click events. The web though is slightly different, and creating...