
Thickbox and jQuery in WordPress 2.8

The update was great! The new features in WordPress 2.8 are awesome! Most of my Twitter friends have updated to 2.8 and haven’t had a single issue. The new widgets area is so cool! Oh jeez, I’m so excited. For a full features list check out Version 2.8 section in the Codex. Anyway, the only issue I had so far is the Thickbox usage. I’m not sure why it’s lost, but...

Quick Flickr Widget: Empowered by Thickbox

Finally, version 1.2.4 is public! Can you belive this? I managed to get Thickbox running with the widget! No, it wasn’t that difficult at all. Here are the two tricks: In the plugin init: $options = get_option("pluginname"); if ($options["thickbox"] == "checked") { wp_enqueue_script("thickbox"); add_action("wp_head", "pluginname_thickbox_inject", 10); } And the thickbox inject function:...