
jQuery Russia 2013

Last week I attended jQuery Russia 2013 which was held at Digital October (my favorite venue) in Moscow. The conference was organized by a local HR company called ITmozg and they’ve done a fairly good job. Dave Methvin, President of the jQuery Foundation, gave the opening keynote and a session on javascript and jQuery performance, which was really good. He called out Facebook for a pretty...

External Links with CSS3 or jQuery

Here’s how I marked external links using CSS throughout my blog with a few simple selectors one of which is a level 3 meaning this solution will probably fail in some version of IE and other browsers with limited CSS3 support. a { background: url('') right center no-repeat; padding-right: 14px; } a[href^=""], a[href^="/"], a[href^="#"] { background: none; padding-right: inherit; } The first...

WordPress Experiments: Visual Styles Editor

In a previous blog post I demonstrated a video of the color wheel concept. Today I’d like to show you another WordPress themes experiment — visual styles editor. As shown in the video, the styles editor pops out as a dialog box which you can move around the page. The dialog itself contains a select box where you get to pick a certain style (like headings, menu anchors, etc) and the...

WordPress Experiments: Colors & The Color Wheel

I’ve been working on a free theme called Minimal Georgia lately and based on it, I’m now running a few experiments for theme customization, of course inspired by Squarespace. One of my first experiments is the color wheel and there are plenty of jQuery plugins and code snippets that could do that. With a few more research about colors and their hex codes, I found a way to determine a...

Snippet: Using jQuery 1.5 in WordPress

Yes! jQuery 1.5 was released and I’m sure some of you can’t wait to start using it in their WordPress themes and plugins. So, with a few filters magic, we can get jQuery 1.5 up and running. Add the following code to your theme’s function.php file: add_filter( 'script_loader_src', 'my_script_loader_src', 10, 2 ); function my_script_loader_src( $src, $handle ) { if ( $handle ==...

qrTip: A jQuery Plugin to Display QR Codes for Links

Hey. I was doing some experimenting earlier this week with the new Google URL Shortener API and then found out that they can display QR codes for their shortened links using Google’s Chart API which is awesome. So today, I present to you qrTip — a jQuery plugin that can display QR tooltips for links on your page: Check out the qrTip Demo and hover over the links to feel the taste of...

Facebook-style Lightbox with jQuery and Facebox

I recently came across an awesome plugin for jQuery which is called Facebox. Facebox produces a clean lightbox that can be a container for popup images, text and basically any HTML layout as well as AJAX powered content. The problem with Facebox is the lightbox placement. The dialog itself is placed in the center of the page horizontally with a preset margin from the top, which looks good, but...

jQuery Cycle: Pager and pagerAnchorBuilder

One very awesome and useful plugin for jQuery is jQuery Cycle, which pretty much works out of the box, but browsing through the second part of the Intermediate Demos we’ve seen a click transition called Pager, which is somewhat tricky. Pager is nothing but a few links next to your cycling block with page numbers, which switch the cycle upon click. It’s very useful when you have to...

WordPress 2.9: From a Developer's Point of View

Yup, WordPress 2.9 is finally out and I’ve seen a lot of people upgrade immediately – sweet thing to do, I did so too and hadn’t had any problems here (I’m not using too much plugins), then I switched over to the 3.0 branch, all good! The semi-square buttons in the admin interface are fixed by the way ;) Anyways, this post is not about my blog, but about something...

Inspired: Javascript & jQuery Love

Remember the “inspired” blog posts series I started back in November? Well, let’s keep playing that game and today’s topic is jQuery and Javascript. The things you can do with javascript today are pretty impressive and sometimes unbelievable. Starting from simple AJAX calls and ending up with complete rich user interfaces with sweet animation (poke Facebook for instance)...