
Quick Tip: How to Make Tweet Embeds Responsive

Twitter embeds were introduced in WordPress 3.4, allowing you to insert tweets by pasting a link to that tweet on a line of its own, in you post or page content. However, many responsive themes (including mine) resulted in broken layouts on narrow screens, since the embedded tweet will get a fixed width of 550 pixels. After a little poking around, I found an easy way to solve this with some CSS...

Custom CSS Now with CSS3 Support on WordPress.com

Who said all WordPress.com blogs have to look the same? Who said you cannot customize your theme unless you’re running self-hosted WordPress? WordPress.com had the Custom Design upgrade for quite some time now, and now it’s suited and booted with CSS3 support: animation, gradients, shadows, transforms and a bunch of other stuff. You can even make your non-responsive theme into a...

The Future of CSS

If you’re familiar with Less CSS, SASS and others, you will absolutely love this one: The future of CSS. It seems to cover everything we’ve been missing so far. I’ve already started using More CSS in my next project and it’s looking very good so far!

External Links with CSS3 or jQuery

Here’s how I marked external links using CSS throughout my blog with a few simple selectors one of which is a level 3 meaning this solution will probably fail in some version of IE and other browsers with limited CSS3 support. a { background: url('') right center no-repeat; padding-right: 14px; } a[href^=""], a[href^="/"], a[href^="#"] { background: none; padding-right: inherit; } The first...

Driving the 960 Grid System

CSS frameworks are unflexible, overbloated and confusing. Whoever said that, never used a CSS framework, or at least the 960 Grid System. I used to think that too, some time ago, but I did use the 960 Grid System to draw my templates. I didn’t care about the CSS, the columns, etc. All I used were the Photoshop templates with a preset grid of 960 pixels, which was pretty convenient for...

CSS Tricks – Playing With Position: Relative

For some of you this post might be obvious, but I’ve been working with XHTML and CSS for years and haven’t figured out you could do such magic! We’ll be talking about the CSS Position property and it’s combinations with the Overflow property. Let’s talk about each of these properties individually first. The position property could have five different values...

Powered by Delicious: Web Design, Coding & HTML5

This is my first “Powered by Delicious” post, but I plan on writing similar posts at least once a month or so, depending how many links I bookmark. Here’s a list of some of my latest delicious bookmarks, with goodies on web design, coding, html5, photoshop, javascript and a bunch of other stuff. The Most 10 Common Mistakes Web Designers Make | Noupe 50+ Top Free Icon Resources...

Threaded Comments in WordPress 2.7

This was pretty quick and easy, really, you don’t even have to do much code, it’s more about styling the nested comments. First of all you have to switch them on in Settings – Discussion, then some slight theme modifications in header.php and the comments.php section. I don’t want to write about them here because it’s already written in the WordPress codex over here:...