
How To Deploy & Publish a .NET MVC Application

This is the second post in the series called .NET MVC From a PHP Developer’s Perspective where I discuss the pros and (mostly) cons of jumping onto the .NET bandwagon. Keep in mind that I’m a php/unix guy. I’m now at week 5 and I recently deployed my .NET MVC application to a web hosting provider. This was done for a testing and debugging purpose, since I had to become familiar...

How to Generate Quality Data for MySQL

We all had fun with the World Database, Sakila and the others when learning MySQL (see Example Databases), but it sometimes isn’t enough to run certain experiments, benchmarks within your own schema. Of course you could write a script that would generate junk data based on your column types and populate your database with a few thousand entries, but as it turns out, Benjamin Keen already...

5 Really Useful Trac Reports

For those of you who are not familiar with the project management software called The Trac Project please proceed to the Trac Guide. I’ve been working with this project management tool for quite some time now and the latest upgrades are just awesome. I believe the solution for private projects’ RSS feeds has been found a few months ago somewhere here. The iCalendar issue remains, but...

Customize Posts Order in WordPress via Custom Fields

I came across this last night, might be helpful for some of you ;) Sorting posts in a customized order is pretty simple with the WordPress custom fields mechanism and custom SQL queries. Start off with a basic query: $querystr = " SELECT wposts.* FROM $wpdb->posts wposts, $wpdb->postmeta wpostmeta WHERE wposts.ID = wpostmeta.post_id AND wpostmeta.meta_key = 'order' AND wposts.post_type =...