Taggraph api

Facebook Fans Count Using Python and the Graph API

I noticed some peeps struggling to show off their Facebook fans count on their websites using the Facebook API. I’ve shown before on how to do it in PHP, and this quick post is about Python. Honestly, you’ll laugh as soon as you read the following three lines of code: import facebook graph = facebook.GraphAPI() print "Mashable has %s fans" % graph.get_object('/mashable')['fan_count']...

WordPress and Magic Quotes

This is crazy, and based on a post called WordPress and PHP magic quotes: you want to run me crazy! by Stefano Lissa. I’m writing a plugin prototype for WordPress that uses the new Facebook Graph API to post stuff to my wall on Facebook (upcoming blog post). The original Facebook PHP SDK comes in very handy when working with the Facebook API, and I had quite some fun using it, but...

Counting Facebook Fans in PHP: The Graph API Way

In a previous blog post called How to Count Facebook Fans in PHP I’ve shown a code snippet of how to count the number of fans on a fan page using PHP. Times have changed, the Graph API has been introduced, and due to some responses I introduce here the new way of retrieving your fans count using the new Graph API and php. Before you copy and paste, flush my comments with ‘my code is...